Trump on Syrian refugees: ‘If I win, I’ll send them back’

Trump on Syrian refugees: ‘If I win, I’ll send them back’

Saudi Arabia Avoids UN Scrutiny Of Yemen Air Attacks

Saudi Arabia Avoids UN Scrutiny Of Yemen Air Attacks

“This resolution reflects a shocking failure by the Human Rights Council to meet its obligation…

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Israel Dramatically Denounces Iran Nuclear Deal Before UN

Israel Dramatically Denounces Iran Nuclear Deal Before UN

In an impassioned speech interspersed with bouts of dramatic silence, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu…

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United Nations chief on migrant crisis: Dont build walls or exploit fears

United Nations chief on migrant crisis: Dont build walls or exploit fears

France has raised the idea of safe zones at this week’s United Nations general assembly,…

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Oxfam statement in response to President Obama’s speech at the Sustainable

Oxfam statement in response to President Obama’s speech at the Sustainable

The United Nations has agreed to adopt the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, a massive drive…

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Facebook will bring internet access to refugee camps – Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook will bring internet access to refugee camps – Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates on Saturday threw their weight and…

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UN chief: Refer Syria crisis to International Criminal Court

UN chief: Refer Syria crisis to International Criminal Court

UNITED Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon for the first time is calling for the situation in…

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India unveils climate target to cut energy intensity

India unveils climate target to cut energy intensity

As announced earlier, India unveiled today its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) coinciding with Father…

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Pakistan rakes up Kashmir at United Nations, Sharif praises China

Pakistan rakes up Kashmir at United Nations, Sharif praises China

Separatist groups in Kashmir today welcomed Nawaz Sharif’s address at the United Nations General Assembly…

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Magic of Indian techies gave India new identity in world: Narendra Modi

Magic of Indian techies gave India new identity in world: Narendra Modi

Modi travelled to West Coast where he visited the Facebook headquarters for a town hall…

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