
5 Strategies for Businesses to Appeal to Today’s Increasingly Mobile-Crazed Customers

You can’t go five seconds without seeing someone glued to their phones, can’t you?


Heck, you might be fixated on yours right now.

And as it should come as no surprise, mobile app usage is at an all-time high.

From business and shopping to productivity and communication, smartphones have become integral to our day-to-day lives. Meanwhile, consumers are more comfortable than ever with doing business online.

Putting the pieces together, it’s crystal clear why businesses need to do everything in their power to appeal to customers on-the-go.

But where do you start?

Beyond run-of-the-mill mobile optimization, consider the following five strategies you can improve your performance among mobile users. The beauty of these tips if that they likewise look great to your non-mobile customers, too.

Create an App Yourself

When you consider how people are spending their precious time on their phones, apps are the center of it all.

Although mobile browsing might be on the rise, apps provide interactive experiences and additional marketing opportunities via updates and notifications that are can’t-miss to customers.

And so what better way to get into people’s pockets than by creating your app.

Doing so isn’t a pipe dream anymore, especially since investing in a custom mobile app builder is easier than ever. People are more than happy to download an app granted it makes their lives easier in some way, shape or form. Start brainstorming ideas on how you could turn your product or service into something that works on-the-go.

Emphasize Email Marketing

While marketers might always be on the hunt for the next big thing, sometimes the best marketing tactics are the old-school ones.

Think about it. As of 2017, the majority of emails are read on mobile devices and that trend isn’t going where in present day or beyond. Remember what we said about people being hooked on apps? Same rules apply when it comes to email apps and mobile messaging.

Given that most people browse their inbox multiple times per day, going heavy on email flat out makes sense. Just make sure your messages are optimized by being scrollable and easy to digest at a glance.

Step Up Your Social Presence

Email might be king in terms of marketing itself, but don’t forget your customers’ social tendencies. The likes of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram represent some of the most engaging apps that consume a good chunk of people’s time these days. That’s why it’s a good idea to step up your social presence so people can constantly see your updates.

That said, don’t make the mistake of spreading yourself too thin on social. Rather than try to dominate a bunch of platforms, stick to the ones that are paying the most returns in terms of engagement and followers.

Keep Your SEO Game Strong

Don’t listen to the chatter that says that SEO is dying off. Rather think about how you can adapt your SEO strategy to go hand in hand with Google’s emphasis on a mobile-centric web. Keywords aren’t going anywhere obviously, but also consider how you can implement elements such as responsive design and better site speed to encourage more mobile traffic.

Rev Up Your Visual Content Production

Regarding content for your blog and social media, anything visual is where your focus should be. For example, Facebook notes that live video scores six times the engagement of typical content while infographics are among the most popular pieces of content on Twitter. The takeaway here is that you shouldn’t confine your content production to mere blog posts.


The rise of mobile consumers doesn’t show any signs of slowing down any time soon. As a result, anything you can do to make your business more mobile friendly is a huge point in your favor. Sticking to the tips above, you can do exactly that while creating an awesome experience for your customers.