
Our Top Inspirational Baseball Stars

Originating back in 1869 in Cincinnati, Ohio, baseball has been a game played and loved by millions for nearly 150 years. From its origin to the present day, there have been hundreds of fantastic baseball players who have gone on to inspire new players. Here are our top inspirational baseball stars.


Curtis Pride

If you have never heard of Curtis Pride before, his story and background is one that will move you. Pride served as a strong-armed outfielder between 1993 and 2006, playing on seven different teams throughout his baseball career. What sets Pride apart from his peers is that he has been deaf since birth. When you think of how important verbal communication is in baseball, it is remarkable how Pride would have been able to manage. However, Pride went from strength to strength, becoming one of the best baseball players of all time and receiving a Tony Conigliaro Award in 1996 for overcoming a certain adversity.

Pete Gray

In 1945, many of the best players in Baseball were off the field and out fighting in World War II, meaning that certain players were desperately needed in a pinch just to be able to make up a team. Gray was one of the players that was drafted in, appearing in 77 games as a player of St. Louis Browns. What makes Gray stand out from the crowd is that he had an accident when he was six years old, resulting in the loss of an arm. Gray never let his disability stop him from achieving his dreams, going on to become one of the most inspirational baseball players of all time.

Jim Morris

They say that age is just a number, which certainly applies to Jim Morris. Morris attended a Tampa Bay Devil Rays tryout in 1999 and ended up leaving a great impression which saw him sign a contract with the team at 35 years old. Morris suffered with arm problems throughout his baseball career, resulting in him being let go from the team in 2000. The film ‘The Rookie’ is based on Morris’s story, giving you an insight into the troubles and problems that Morris faced and overcome.

Jimmie Foxx

Born in 1907, Jimmie Foxx was described as a fearsome power hitter whose determination and strength earned him the title ‘The Beast’. Foxx was only the second batter in baseball history to top 500 home runs. One record that Foxx still holds is for the most walks in a big-league game, currently standing at six. With all his achievements, it is easy to see why Jimmie Foxx was elected to the hall of fame by baseball writers. Check out this Jimmie Foxx baseball blog post for more of an insight into the life and career of Jimmie Foxx, a powerful force to be reckoned with in the baseball world.


When reading the stories of each of the players listed, you can get a real sense of achievement and determination that each of the players had to not let anything get in the way of achieving their dreams.