Donald Trump says ‘Redskins’ is a good name

Donald Trump says ‘Redskins’ is a good name

But political reporters aren’t the only ones taking notice of the Florida family feud. “I…

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How desperate is Jeb Bush? He’s thinking about campaigning with his brother

How desperate is Jeb Bush? He’s thinking about campaigning with his brother

Do Democrats give away “free stuff” to voters? Joel Mathis and Ben Boychuk, the RedBlueAmerica…

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State Department seeks more work-related emails from Clinton

State Department seeks more work-related emails from Clinton

Congressional committees have voiced skepticism as to whether the 30,940 emails that the Democratic presidential…

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Donald Trump: Redskins should keep team name

Donald Trump: Redskins should keep team name

Shortly after the New York Times article was published, Change The Mascot, the national campaign…

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Trump And CNN’s Chris Cuomo Clash Over Poll Numbers, Possible Exit

Trump And CNN’s Chris Cuomo Clash Over Poll Numbers, Possible Exit

Political outsiders Donald Trump and Ben Carson at the moment are the prime decide of…

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Rand Paul: Ted Cruz ‘is pretty much done’

Rand Paul: Ted Cruz ‘is pretty much done’

Cruz, for his part, may not care that his bellicose rhetoric has lost him friends…

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Clinton Takes on Sanders’s Free Tuition Plan

Clinton Takes on Sanders’s Free Tuition Plan

Five recent polls lead me to conclude America will again vote a Democrat into office…

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Sen. Rand Paul: Cruz is “pretty much done for” in Senate

Sen. Rand Paul: Cruz is “pretty much done for” in Senate

Kilmeade then asked Paul if McConnell has let him down by pushing for a temporary…

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Big Senate vote propels stopgap spending bill

Big Senate vote propels stopgap spending bill

A new Speaker will have all the same problems of Speaker Boehner and a slow,…

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Donald Trump Agrees With Jeb Bush, Doesn’t Think Redskins Should Change Name

Donald Trump Agrees With Jeb Bush, Doesn’t Think Redskins Should Change Name

While participating in a constitutional conversation in Greenville, South Carolina, on Friday, the topic turned…

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