
Seven year old boy become internet sensation after he solved the Rubik cube in just 49.4 seconds

A seven year old boy has recently become internet sensation after he solved the Rubik cube in just 49.4 seconds.


It has been reported that the seven year old schoolboy, Harry Gilbert, amazed his dad when he solved the Rubik cube in under 50 seconds, which was much better than his father, who took around 2 minutes to solve it.

His father explained that the bought the Rubik cube for his son on his birthday – but ended up playing himself.

He added that his best in solving the cube was around 2 minutes.

The Rubik cubes was originally invented in the year 1974, and at that time it was called as Magic Cubes. It’s even said that as of January 2009, more than 350 million cubes had been sold worldwide.


Seven year old boy become internet sensation after he solved the Rubik cube in just 49.4 seconds