
Christie: Trump Has Been ‘Completely Consistent’ on Immigration

She continued: “Maybe he will try to be presidential and try to convey a gravity that he hasn’t done before or will he come in and try to insult and try to score some points”. “And speaking later in Des Moines, Iowa, he dredged up Clinton’s use of the term super predators in the 1990s to argue that he, not Clinton, offered African-Americans the best choice for president”.


Republican donor and fundraiser Meg Whitman is hitting the campaign trail for Democrat Hillary Clinton. In a Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday, 77 percent of non-white voters backed Clinton. On TV bashing Trump.

As the Democratic presidential nominee works to undercut Trump’s economic record and promote her plans for small businesses, she is invoking memories of her late father’s Chicago drapery business.

Chris Christie, who chairs Donald Trump’s transition team, deflected questions on whether the Republican nominee is softening his stance on immigration, insisting that the candidate has been “completely consistent” on the issue. Robert Byrd, a former KKK member whom Clinton mourned in 2010 as “a true American original, my friend and mentor”.

Although this also is in line with previous elections, President Barack Obama managed to attract much larger numbers of this demographic than Clinton has so far, thus cutting into her advantage over Republican candidate Donald Trump in this area.

He points to ties between the Trump campaign and Russian interests and notes evidence of Russian efforts to intervene in the electoral process, including hacks of Democratic political organizations. “Byrd saying that he was her mentor, that he should be respected and he was a leader of the KKK”. If you’re old like me, you can remember when Labor Day was the “traditional start of the presidential campaign season”, which was probably never 100 percent accurate but still a good way to keep our timeline straight.

“You have heard no language to this level coming out of the Trump campaign”, McEnany said.

Trump is 70 and Clinton is 68.

Trump running mate Mike Pence defended that tweet – for which Trump has faced criticism for immediately linking a shooting death to politics – in an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union” Sunday.

Romney, one of Trump’s harshest critics, was part of the discussion at the meeting, Searby said. “I have not reached that point with Mr. Trump”.

Trump has described such attacks as attempts to “smear” his supporters. “No, what I’m trying to say to you is, the people who are here today, they’re going to vote for Trump”. “And Donald Trump embodies Hillary Clinton’s message that the rich get rich off the backs of the poor”. Joni Ernst’s “Roast and Ride” event.

While Clinton has been one of the most pro-intervention candidates to run for the presidency in 2016, she has not condoned the forceful removal of Syrian President Bashar Assad from power, calling instead for a peaceful handover.

Former New York City mayor and Trump surrogate Rudy Giuliani encouraged doubters to “go online and put down ‘Hillary Clinton illness'”.

Added Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway: “The softening is more approach than policy”, adding that on immigration, Trump “wants to find a fair and humane way”.


Rodham largely worked alone, but Clinton writes that she and her brothers helped when they were old enough.

Poll: Clinton holds slim lead over Trump among likely Florida voters