
Muslim civil rights group challenges Trump travel ban

Democratic attorneys general across the United States condemn Trump’s order and are discussing whether to challenge the administration in court. “This should never happen in America and the White House should immediately rescind this executive order”. Eastern on Friday suspended all refugee admissions for 120 days, indefinitely barred Syrian refugees, and blocked citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US for 90 days, namely: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.


Comments posted on the pro-ISIS channel on social media platform Telegram suggested that the order would prompt American Muslims to take the side of the extremists.

“Make no mistake, President Trump’s executive order banning refugees and visitors from Muslim majority countries is not only un-American, but also unconstitutional”, Ayloush tells the Weekly. “It halts all refugees from Syria indefinitely”, reports CNN. No fatal attacks were committed by terrorists from the countries restricted by Trump’s travel ban.

Several posters said Trump’s ban means the turning against residents of the USA who are Muslim, fulfilling a prediction made by al-Qaida leader Anwar al-Awlaki, who was killed by a US drone strike in 2011.

“It fuels the belief out there that Americans are anti-Islam”. A lack of such cooperation will inevitably result in a dearth of knowledge that could cost the lives of US soldiers who may no longer know where that IED is located, where those militants are storing weapons, or which tribe or militia group is reliable. But morally, it’s a no-brainer: Treating Muslim Americans as second class citizens would indisputably be a vicious betrayal of the nation’s highest ideals and aspirations – a betrayal that the threat posed by radical Islam does not even remotely justify.

There is no reason that President Trump can’t delegate the power to exempt these men and women from the temporary immigration shutdown to his secretary of state and secretary of homeland security.

All four of these countries are conspicuously left out of the executive order along with other Muslim-majority nations where Trump has business ties.

Lena Masri, CAIR litigation director, called Trump’s order a Muslim exclusion order designed “to strategically deny Muslims entry into the United States regardless if they are US citizens, regardless of whether they are green card holders or if they have lawful status”.

The White House has defended the policy, and a federal court in NY has issued an order which has barred the deportation of all refugees already present in the country. Federal judges in three states – Massachusetts, Virginia and Washington – also issued similar rulings to stop the government from removing refugees and others with valid visas.

In Orlando, Rasha Mubarak with CAIR called the orders “discriminatory, anti-immigrant, anti-refugee and anti-Muslim”, and decried them for trying to “criminalize groups of people in an attempt to galvanize the American people”.

Here’s what a refugee actually is and not what the Executive Order implies they are: a person who has been forced to leave his or her country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.

“We had an incident of a legal permanent resident-a green-card holder-who was locked up with her two children at an airport for over 20-hours”.

While Pakistan is not one of the 7 countries listed in the order, Dogar fears there could be more action against people who live in Muslim countries.


In this sense, the executive order addresses a concern former CIA director John Brennan presented before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in June 2016, shortly after the massacre at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub orchestrated by an Islamic State sympathizer.

We Fact Checked Online Reports Calling Trump's Exec Order a 'Muslim Ban' and Here's What We Found