
Donald Trump crosses the line criticizing Ben Carson’s religion

“Now he’s really sweating!” I think he loses credibility when he tries to appeal as a religious conservative, when he is clearly not. Obviously, he’s no longer the front-runner.


But as to whether he would approve a special forces operation to rescue hostages being held by ISIS – similar to the one that resulted in the death of an American soldier this week- Trump demurred. “We need strong energy”.

Kinsey Craichy, an Orlando business owner, donated $250 to Trump’s campaign even though he knows the GOP front-runner doesn’t need the money.

Donald Trump on Wednesday night once again bragged about his poll numbers.

Stumping here in Florida, Trump also knocked Bush and Rubio, the top two establishment candidates jostling with Trump for the nomination.

Emilio Garcia, 73, and Manuel Alvarez, 76, both Cuban exiles and longtime Republican voters, also dismissed Bush and Rubio because they represent the “old Republican guard”.

Almost 6 in 10 Republican voters – 58 percent – have a favorable opinion of Trump. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Sen.

Carson said he used to be “very volatile” as a teenager but changed. Marco Rubio and former technology executive Carly Fiorina are the candidates with the widest gap between their favorable and unfavorable ratings, 51 percent to 20 percent for Rubio and 47 percent to 19 percent for Fiorina. Rick Santorum – followed at 2 percent.

On the other hand, however, I do worry about the other candidates for the opposite reason.

Dr. Ben Carson is surging in Iowa in a couple of polls released last Thursday and Friday. At least six in ten in New Hampshire and Iowa want the party to pay more attention to the middle class. Most of Trump’s voters – and most of Carson’s – in South Carolina think the party is paying too much attention to donors.

When asked, Carson did say he does not believe the Iowa polls are wrong like Donald Trump has suggested since his lead slipped in the state. In Trump’s Sunday appearance on CNN’s State of the Union, he lumped the Carson and Bush into the same category.

But he declined to strike back at Trump, who said during a rally in Florida on Saturday, “I’m Presbyterian”.

“I like Ben, but he can not do with trade like I do”. In a 1999 interview with the Religion News Service, he said: “I spend just as much time in non-Seventh-day Adventist churches because I’m not convinced that the denomination is the most important thing”.

“Trump needs to refine what he says, but he speaks the truth”, said Garcia as he chomped on a cigar outside La Carreta, a popular Cuban restaurant chain in Miami not far from Bush’s campaign headquarters.

Carson told NBC’s Chuck Todd that he thinks people mistake his soft-spoken manner with a lack of energy.

“If he does attack me, I’ll continue to talk about issues”. And I just don’t understand the number.


Seven in 10 Republican and Republican-leaning registered voters say Trump could win in November 2016 if he is nominated, and that’s the most who say so of any candidate.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump smiles to the public at a rally in Jacksonville Florida

1 Comment on this Post

  1. Bishop A. Edward Bell

    Donald Trump did not criticize Ben Carson’s religion. He simply said that he did not know about it. The press m ade an issue out of nothing. Maybe Trump’s lack of knowledge could have been an issue, but then, what does that have to do with being president? By the way, I am neither a Trump nor Carson supporter, but I do think reporting should be fair and accurate.

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