
Donald Trump on shooting: ‘Horrible’ but these things happen

A big opportunity missed here in my opinion. Benjamin Wallace was very inspired when he called Trump “an outrage candidate for good times”.


To this, the controversial business tycoon replied, “Well, there’s a little truth to that”.

The television host continued by saying, “But we don’t have Superman presidents”. Trump answered that we are bringing them back legally, which they will be very happy about this and they will be in the U.S. legally.

HARWOOD: Let’s assume you get elected. There’s always going to be problems.

“Because you have sick people. I have no problem with that”. I will not disappoint those people. “I so look forward to finding out who I’m going to face”.

On Friday, Trump again highlighted the role of mental illness, but suggested it could never be completely remedied.

Trump now leads the field among Republican primary voters.

We don’t have victories any more“. Turning to Carson’s campaign, they added, “Can he be surgeon general in a Republican administration? I just can’t tell you”. Where was he born?

Talking to CNN’s Alisyn Camerota, Trump discussed a segment from Wednesday night’s The Kelly File with National Review editor Rich Lowry.

“You know, a big part of the enemy is ISIS”. I’m not certain he has staying power. So, I just don’t discuss it anymore. That would keep us interested for a while. And when he’s not shoveling out incorrect immigration rates, once stating to believe it to be “30 million”, he’d say he’ll hire “someone“.

Fox was unfair to Trump, so he bans them for now, and goes on 60 minutes on a few issues that the mainstream media disagrees on. “We are the only country in the world that has a Second Amendment and keeping that freedom is imperative, absolutely imperative”.

But at the same time, he said, “what are you going to do?”

HARWOOD: Is that the evidence that you are talking about? “The strongest, the most stringent laws are in nearly every case the worse places”.

HARWOOD: In a crime wave.

“I would say it’s not his wheelhouse”, Trump said.

TRUMP: No, I don’t think so. You know, how many elections do you see where the polls were wrong? “And they’re gonna come through the cracks”. Usually, it’s about 7%. “The press predictably jumped to cover his tweet, creating yet another distraction from any real issues that Mr. Trump might be questioned about”, the spokesperson said. I don’t want it to be and I don’t think it is.

TRUMP: Well, I’m not a masochist, ok?


“If our country was properly run, I’d nearly feel much better about it, and so would a lot of other people”.

Donald Trump cited the 1974 vigilante film 'Death Wish&#039 to defend the Second Amendment at a Nashville rally                  Darren McCollester  Getty Images News