
Oliver Stone warns of Pokemon Go ‘totalitarianism’

Controversial film director Oliver Stone has condemned the new video game sensation Pokemon Go as “a new level of invasion” of privacy and claims it could lead to “totalitarianism”.


Snowden is also the subject of a biopic directed by Oliver Stone that was recently screened at Comic-Con and is expected to get a wide US release in September – giving Snowden an aura of celebrity few privacy advocates have achieved. Stone said, “They are data mining every person in this room”.

It has also been blamed for a wave of crimes, traffic violations and other complaints in cities around the world.

Stone went on to say that apps like Pokémon Go could help usher in a “robot society”, which is a little more far-fetched.

“It’s what some people call surveillance capitalism”.

“[It] is a new level of invasion”, he said of the insanely popular game while on a panel at Comic-Con Thursday, according to BuzzFeed. “But (actors) can reach new audiences in new ways and get people talking about things that they don’t have time to read (or) to look for in the academic setting”.

The announcement was made during a conference at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Media Lab. Snowden, who has been living in Russian Federation since he fled the United States in the summer of 2013 before releasing a huge cache of top secret documents he stole while working as a contractor for the National Security Agency, joined in through a video connection.

Snowden will be released in the U.S. in September, with a United Kingdom release date yet to be confirmed.

The newspaper said the iPhone case was designed with the intent of helping journalist keep tabs on whether their phones, wi-fi or Bluetooth connection is being used to share or receive data.

The “introspection engine” is a pet project for Snowden, who told WIRED that he has not carried a smartphone since his famous leak of NSA information because he fears being tracked by the US government.


The device, which is only a design right now and is referred to as an “introspection engine”, has a slot where the user can place his SIM card and continue to use the phone’s mobile calling features, if ever needed.

NEW YORK NY- APRIL 22 Edward Snowden speaks on stage at Tribeca Disruptive Innovation Awards- 2016 Tribeca Film Festival at BMCC John Zuccotti Theater

1 Comment on this Post

  1. FreePokeCoins

    i think it i not serious!

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