
U.S. auto union, Ford avert strike at pickup factory

Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV that it intends to begin a strike Wednesday, moving toward confrontation after talks resumed following union members’ rejection of a proposed contract. It is the hot selling pickup in America.


A worker at the Kokomo Transmission Plant in Indiana said on Tuesday his union steward has told workers there to prepare to strike at 11:59 p.m. Wednesday night.

Detroit has been staging a comeback of late as public pressure is forcing many USA manufacturers to reconsider the cost benefits of relocating overseas versus the public perception of constantly sending jobs overseas when American workers are willing and able to fill the same jobs. He is the chief negotiator for the WAW work force. The workers had warned of walking out from Sunday if an agreement did not come into force.

According to Ford spokeswoman, Kristina Adamski, “Working with our UAW partners, we have resolved the open items at Kansas City Assembly Plant and have agreed to a tentative local agreement”.

The UAW leadership had endorsed the three-year deal, but votes against it were overwhelming at a number of large FCA factories.

While we strangely don’t know what problems were so severe that it was worth going on strike, a labor stoppage at the Kansas City plant could have proven to be a major hit to Ford Motor Company right now. Ford will be soon commencing the production of the 2016 model year of Ford F-150 pickup.

Ford said within the assertion Saturday that they would “fixed the launch materials” at the Kansas City Assembly Plant and also accepted a provisional regional contract, without ever elaborating.


It is encouraging when so many others say unions are not relevant, that our UAW-FCA membership sees it differently.

The UAW 36th Constitutional Convention